I saw a recent picture lately that has to do with being obese. What is
Obesity? And what are the health implications of being obese. Can an obese
person really be said to be beautiful? There's this saying 'that beauty is in
the eye of the beholder', yet can we really say an obese person is beautiful?
To be honest I don't
think so!

What is Obesity?
Obesity is a medical condition that has to do with the accumulation of
excess body fat leading to a short lifespan and increased health issues.
Obesity is caused by a
combination of the following;
1. Excessive energy food intake.
2. Lack of exercise.
3. Genetic factor. .
4. Medications.
5. Illness.
There's an erroneous belief that
some obese people don't eat. This is not true as they need so much energy to
fill their body mass.
What are the health implications
of being Obese?
1. Obese people are more prone
to cardiovascular diseases. The risks of heart problems is very high because of
fat tissues around the heart.
2. Type 2 diabetics.
3. Sleep disorders.
4. Cancer.
5. Osteoarthritis- joint
6. Asthma.
7. Short life span.
8. Death.
Some of the diseases are as a result of increase in fatty cells eg
cardiovascular diseases, cancer etc while some are as a result of fatty body
mass eg osteoarthritis, sleep disorders etc.
How can Obesity be prevented.
1Reduce the consumption of
energy concentrated foods.
Such energy concentrated foods
like sugars and fats should be avoided.
2. Increase the intake of fibre.
3. Eat lots of fruits and
4. Drink lots of water.
5. Take drugs to reduce your
6. If all these fails, then get
a surgery done to reduce the size of the stomach. This would reduce the ability
to eat so much and also reduce absorption of such foods.
Obesity is a serious health
problem and is a major cause of death in our world today. It affects both adult
and children. But with the above preventive measures, it can be curbed or
totally reduced.
If you have any questions on Obesity, please, you can direct such
questions to sophistiquebeauty@gmail.com For more on beauty, lifestyle and
health tips, check my blog naomi-gunwa.blogspot.com
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