Thursday, 20 June 2013

Beauty Tips for Dark Skinned Women

Beauty Tips for Dark Skinned Women. Blacks generally have dark skin which is as a result of Melanin formation under the skin. Melanin is a substance that gives the skin its colour. It can also be found in the hair and the Iris of the eye. Melanin formation in the skin causes dark pigmentation, which contributes to how dark skinned or light skinned an individual would be.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Looking Beautiful the Natural Way

Hello Friends. The other day, a group of friends and I were having a discussion about what ladies want when it comes to looking good. Many of the people present all want to look beautiful naturally. Many want to have a spotless and flawless skin. Which has made it imperative for me to want to discuss on "Looking Beautiful the Natural Way". Thousands of women around the world want to have that spotless natural look and a skin that feels soft to the touch. Just because you don't have a flawless skin now doesn't mean you can't make it happen! Five Tips in having that soft natural look.