Thursday, 3 April 2014

On-Line Dating Pros and Cons

Love is defined as a strong feeling of emotion.

 A great interest and pleasure in something. A person or thing that one loves. Verb- To feel deep affection or Sexual love for someone. What are the pros and cons of On-Line Dating? We all know that the social media has come to stay. There have been stories of people meeting their partners through social media and have also had wonderful relationships leading to marriage. I personally, know two people who met their husbands through social media, FB, to be precise and both are happily married now living in Dubai.

 So many other wonderful stories. In the same vein, the social media has left bitter tastes in some people's mouth making them to have bitter stories to tell. We all know of the story of the undergraduate that was raped to death by two guys one of whom she met on social media. Another positive apects of being on line is in the way businesses are being done now. We've seen different types of business transactions that have been carried out successfully on-line. It would amaze you what goes on in the social media world. Infact, it made me to understand what Jesus said that the unseen(spiritual) world controls the seen(physical) world. It is unimaginable and unbelievable the impact of social media in our world today. And like I said it has come to stay. It is our reality now. Recently, I listened to a sermon by someone I have so much respect for. He cited an example in his sermon using on-line dating as point of reference. His question. Can u meet your spouse online? Is on-line dating proper? His answer amazed me. He said whether we like it or not, social media is our reality today. Whether you meet someone on-line or through whatever means, meeting is meeting. and it's still the same process of meeting and communication that would take place. He also stated that social media is a powerful platform through which this can be achieved. Whether you meet the person in church or on a dating site, you still have to communicate before the actual dating would start which eventually may or may not end up in marriage. But can you really say it's only for the purpose of marriage? Definitely not! People have different motives for using social media. Whatever your motive,

CAUTION is the key word. The same way you are cautious in meeting people in your everyday life , you must also be more cautious when you meet people on-line. Now I would say be Cautious ten times over. Many times we are sceptical about the people we meet every now and then, despite the fact that we are seeing them physically, how much more the one you met electronically. Never the less, some have had wonderful experiences. Therefore, it won't be right to condemn On-line dating totally.These are some of the pros and cons, Advantages and Disadvantages. Do u believe in meeting someone online? And would u encourage On-line dating or relationships?

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