Two days ago when I got wind of the passing of the Oba of Ikeja, (my business environ), I knew what the next storyline would be. Shops around the area would be closed, millions of Naira would be lost since commercial activities would be affected, there would be restriction of movement (Vehicular and people) and on and on. But the most annoying of all these is this piece of information I got this morning on my phone and it reads: "Avoid unnecessary late outings around that area within this period to avoid falling a victim to some fetish sacrifices." OMG! Fetish Sacrifices???!!!Could this be happening in our modern world??? Twenty-First Century Nigeria??? Human Sacrifices and Ritual killings??? In a Nation that boasts of the best minds or brains in the world? The likes of Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe etc. This should be unheard of in developed countries! How backward can a nation be?!!! How backward can it's people be?!!! How backward can the mentality of our so called Leaders be in a modern world?. That when a so-called King dies, then heads must roll? What does this say about us as a people??? Infact, I feel so sad that this can be happening in a Country I call my own.